Who we are

Membership in CTRWA is open to any person who is a member in good standing of Romance Writers of America (RWA). If you are not yet an RWA member, you must join the parent organization before joining CTRWA.

View information on RWA membership.

Once you join RWA, on the RWA website you can select Communities, Chapters, then Connecticut Romance Writers to join.​

Or click here to join CTRWA.

​CTRWA Membership Benefits & details

CTRWA Facebook page

© 2023

We are a local chapter of Romance Writers of America® (RWA), an international organization. RWA is a nonprofit trade association whose mission is to advance the professional and common business interests of career-focused romance writers through networking and advocacy and by increasing public awareness of the romance genre. CTRWA was established in 1981 and incorporated as a non-profit in 1986.

We welcome and support the efforts of authors, members, and guests from all backgrounds and strive to provide programming and events that are respectful, inclusive, equitable, and accessible for everyone.

CTRWA has authors writing in many genres. You don’t have to write romance to benefit from participation and membership. Published and non-published writers are welcome. 

For the remainder of 2023, CTRWA meetings are held Hybrid, on the second Saturday of the month. Our in-person home is Wolcott Public Library, 469 bound Line Road, Wolcott, CT.  The workshop/speaker is scheduled from 10:00-11:00 a.m.  Followed by a business meeting, 1 minute craft corner and critique group meeting.

Non-members can attend meetings to check out our fabulous group! Email connecticutrwa@gmail.com for information on attending an upcoming meeting.

Membership benefits include:

  • Members-only forums and archives.
  • Monthly meetings with speakers or workshops.
  • Monthly critique group.
  • Support and camaraderie for published members.
  • Information on the publishing industry.
  • Opportunities to meet professionals in the publishing industry.

Membership dues for CTRWA are $36 a year, payable in January each year. For more information regarding membership in CTRWA, email connecticutrwa@gmail.com with the subject line, "Membership Matters."

Join or renew your CTRWA Membership

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Parent Organization